ePACT New Features Ideas Portal
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View Family Progress

Ability to see where families are at completing the ePACT form. This will show which steps are left to fill out (including which shared files are missing).

  • Guest
  • Sep 28 2020
  • Considering
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2024 21:03

    Yes, I would love to be able to view where my families are in the process. Many of them think they are done, and we are never able to view their profile. Often times, they do not share or do the electronic signature, but we have no way of knowing! We have to continually say the same thing over and over - maybe it's this or maybe it's something else. I wish we could see it from their side.

  • Guest commented
    April 21, 2023 17:00

    As someone who has to track 200+ summer camp kiddos a year, this would be an incredibly useful tool!

    As an admin, when I first started with this duty, I had no idea what the parents process was like and what they saw on their end. Because of my background in creating trainings for programs and websites like this, I had the knowledge to create a test account for myself, take pictures of each individual step, and create a "new to epact" PDF to send to parents who were having difficulty getting started, but unfortunately, that was as far as my help was able to take them.

    Also, I spend extensive time and thought into my communication with families to build a relationship with them before our program even starts, and communication about ePact is the first they hear from me once they are registered for our program. To be able to keep that communication with them throughout the entire process of epact, instead of having to send them to a help email for something I could have seen with this tool, will only help build the relationships with my families and build their confidence in my ability to help them.

    I have also learned that the more specific I can be in my reminder emails to families, the more likely they are to pay attention to my email and actually get their epact done. If I am able to see each account and pinpoint where they are at in my reminder communication to them, it would be extremely helpful.

    Being able to see our parents epacts would really be beneficial to admins in more ways than I can express, please let this idea come to fruition!

  • Guest commented
    November 29, 2022 20:35

    Would like to have the ability to view accounts that are "Outstanding" to help parents know what they need to complete!